I recently took my mum to a Spiral Herb Garden workshop and was so delighted to learn about the abundance of varieties! Coming from a Chinese background, my mum doesn’t use the usual garden herbs in her cooking (we stick to things like star anise, soy sauce and sesame oil to season) so I’m still learning all the pairings (e.g. lamb and rosemary, basil and tomatoes).

But after a gleeful discovery that they’re low maintenance to grow, I might have the chance to experiment!

Here are some bits and bobs I’ve learnt so far:

Basil: Easy to grow from seed, sow in spring/summer.

Chives: (This one the Chinese love!) Needs a sunny spot with moist soil.

Coriander: Loves sun, needs good drainage.

Oregano: Perennial plant that loves full sun.

Rosemary: Evergreen, and loves hot weather - will grow happily in a container.

Sage: Full sun, avoid frequent watering.

Thyme: Needs good drainage and sun - likes to spill out of pots and cover the ground (apparently they thrive on neglect)!

(Tips taken from homelife.com.au, gardenate.com & Burke’s Backyard).

Any easy dishes for a herb-eginner?
