I’ve never been one to put inspirational quotes on the blog before - but I stumbled upon this quote a while ago and it’s sort of stuck and I had to share it with you! All of my lovely and very supportive friends and family get bombarded by so many of my crazy idea’s quite frequently - it’s become a daily “oooh we should do this” or “what about this” scene at the moment, to the point where I talk more about something than actually doing it… does anyone else feel like this from time to time? I love new ideas, I love being able to bounce them around with friends, family and all of the wonderful people that I’ve met through the blog and hear what they have to say about it - the only trouble is, putting said idea into action when you have so many wonderful options available.
This is where I think that being a blogger is a blessed curse, having so many options is beyond incredible and will forever keeps you on your toes, but at the same time it can be exhausting trying to work out the ‘right’ one and stick to it. With the excitement and ‘newness’ that the new year brings, I’d love to hear how you deal with having lots of wonderful ideas to chase, do you make lots of list, get enormously overwhelmed but it all or dive in head first and see how it goes - I have to admit I’m a little of everything! That said, I do have some very very exciting things planned for Made From Scratch in the new year that I’ve been working on with some enormously talented people and I hope that you will adore my crazy new idea’s as much as I do. x